#include<conio.h> //To detect keyboard press
#include<graphics.h> //Basic drawing operations
#include<dos.h> //For Date & Time
#include<math.h> //Cos,Sin
#include<stdlib.h> //itoa
#include<string.h> //strcpy,strcat,strlen
const float PI = 3.1415926535; //PI value
int sec, min, hr; //Store time
struct time t; //Get time
struct dosdate_t d; //Get Date
char p[8] = {0xAA, 0x55, 0xAA, 0x55, 0xAA, 0x55, 0xAA, 0x55};//User defined fill pattern
char strhr[5] = "",strmin[5] = "",strsec[5] = "";//Store date.
char strdate[30];
//Select day of Month
char strday[][3]={"01", "02", "03", "04", "05", "06", "07", "08", "09", "10",
"11", "12", "13", "14", "15", "16", "17", "18", "19", "20",
"21", "22", "23", "24", "25", "26", "27", "28", "29", "30", "31"};
//Select month of Year
char strmonth[][9]={"January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June",
"July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"};
char stryr[5] = "";//Store year
//Select day of Week
char strwday[][10] = {"Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday"};
void GoodBye (void);//Shows close down screen
void main ()//Program entry
int gd = DETECT, gm; //Graphics initialisation
float angle;//Inclination of the hands of the clock
int totsec = ((t.ti_hour%12)* 60)+(t.ti_min);
sec = min = hr = 0; //Remove garbage values
initgraph (&gd, &gm, "C:\\tc\\bgi"); //Switch to graphics
setfillstyle (SOLID_FILL, RED); //Background- style & color
bar (0, 0, 639, 479); //Background
setcolor (YELLOW); //Dial border of the clock
setfillstyle (SOLID_FILL, YELLOW);
fillellipse (320, 240, 240, 240); //Dial border
setcolor (LIGHTBLUE); //Dial of the clock
setfillstyle (SOLID_FILL, LIGHTBLUE);
fillellipse (320, 240, 235, 235);
setcolor (DARKGRAY); //Inside color of the clock
setfillstyle (SOLID_FILL, LIGHTGRAY);
fillellipse (320, 240, 190, 190);
setcolor (BLACK);
settextstyle (10, 0, 1); //Bold_Font
outtextxy (306, 5, "XII");
outtextxy (312, 430, "VI");
outtextxy (520, 215, "III");
outtextxy (102, 215, "IX");
setfillpattern (p, WHITE);
bar (560, 215, 575, 265); //Showing the key to the watch
bar (575, 220, 580, 260); //Just a sho
/* setfillpattern(p,LIGHTGRAY);
setfillstyle (SOLID_FILL, WHITE); //Making the textbox for Date
bar (210, 310, 445, 350);
setcolor (DARKGRAY);
rectangle (210, 310, 445, 350);
setcolor (BLACK);
rectangle (211, 311, 444, 349);
setcolor (WHITE);
line (210, 350, 446, 350);
line (446, 350, 446, 310);
setcolor (LIGHTGRAY);
rectangle (212, 312, 443, 348); //End of textbox for Date
while( ! kbhit() ){
gettime (&t);//Load system time into structure t
sec = t.ti_sec; //Store seconds
min = t.ti_min; //Store minutes
hr = t.ti_hour; //Store hours
setfillstyle (SOLID_FILL, BROWN);
fillellipse (320, 240, 10, 10); // -------|
setfillstyle (SOLID_FILL, WHITE);// | Display center of
fillellipse (320, 240, 7, 7); // -------|-> the Clock
setfillstyle (SOLID_FILL, GREEN);// |
fillellipse (320, 240, 4, 4); // -------|
itoa (hr, strhr, 10); //Get hours in a string
if( strlen (strhr) == 1) //Make it a string having len = 2
strhr[2] = '\0';
strhr[1] = strhr[0];
strhr[0] = '0';
itoa (min, strmin, 10);//Get minutes in a string
if( strlen (strmin) == 1) //Make it a string having len = 2
strmin[2] = '\0';
strmin[1] = strmin[0];
strmin[0] = '0';
itoa (sec, strsec, 10);//Get seconds in a string
if( strlen (strsec) == 1) //Make it a string heving len = 2
strsec[2] = '\0';
strsec[1] = strsec[0];
strsec[0] = '0';
setcolor (BLACK);
settextstyle (5, 0, 4);
moveto (244, 117);
outtext (strhr);outtext (":");
outtext (strmin);outtext (":");
outtext (strsec); //Display the time in the given region
_dos_getdate (&d); //Load system date into structure d
strcpy (strdate, strwday[d.dayofweek]);strcat (strdate, ",");
strcat (strdate, strmonth[d.month-1]);strcat (strdate, " ");
strcat (strdate, strday[d.day-1]);strcat (strdate, ",");
itoa (d.year, stryr, 10);
strcat (strdate, stryr);
settextstyle (1, 0, 1);
moveto (225, 320);outtext (strdate);
angle = (float)(((float)totsec/(float)720)* 2 *PI);angle -= PI / 2;
setcolor (BLACK);
line (320+2,240+2,320 +(100 * cos(angle))+ 2,240 +(100 * sin(angle))+ 2);
setcolor (BROWN);
line (320, 240, 320 + (100 * cos(angle)),240 +(100 * sin(angle)));
angle = ((float)min/60)* 2 *PI;angle = angle - (PI / 2);
setcolor (BLACK);
line (320+3,240+3,320 +(175 * cos(angle))+ 3,240 +(175 * sin(angle))+ 3);
setcolor (RED);
line (320, 240, 320 + (175 * cos(angle)), 240 + (175 * sin(angle)));
setlinestyle (SOLID_LINE,0,1);
angle = ((float)sec/60)* 2 *PI;angle = angle - (PI / 2);
setcolor (BLACK);
line (320+5,240+5,320 +(180 * cos(angle))+ 5,240 +(180 * sin(angle))+ 5);
setcolor (RED);
line (320,240,320 +(180 * cos(angle)), 240 +(180 * sin(angle)));
delay (900); setcolor(LIGHTGRAY);
setlinestyle (SOLID_LINE, 0, 3);
totsec = ((t.ti_hour % 12) * 60) + (t.ti_min);
angle = (float)(((float)totsec/(float)720)* 2 *PI);angle -= PI / 2;
line (320,240,320 +(100 * cos(angle)),240 +(100 * sin(angle)));
line (320+2, 240+2,320 +(100 * cos(angle))+ 2,240 +(100 * sin(angle))+ 2);
angle = ((float)min/60)* 2 *PI;angle = angle - (PI / 2);
line (320,240,320 +(175 * cos(angle)),240 +(175 * sin(angle)));
line (320+3,240+3,320 +(175 * cos(angle))+ 3,240 +(175 * sin(angle))+ 3);
setlinestyle (SOLID_LINE,0,3);
angle = ((float)sec/60)* 2 *PI;angle = angle - (PI / 2);
line (320+5,240+5,320 +(180 * cos(angle))+ 5,240 +(180 * sin(angle))+ 5);
line (320,240,320 +(180 * cos(angle)),240 +(180 * sin(angle)));
setlinestyle (SOLID_LINE, 0, 1);
setfillstyle (SOLID_FILL, WHITE);
bar (240, 127, 390, 160);
setcolor (BLACK);
rectangle (241, 128, 389, 159);
setcolor (DARKGRAY);
line (240, 160, 240, 127);
line (240, 127, 390, 127);
setcolor (WHITE);
line (240, 160, 390, 160);
line (390, 160, 390, 127);
setcolor (LIGHTGRAY);
rectangle (242, 129, 388, 158);
if( (sec>19 && sec<41) || (hr>19 && hr<41) || (min>19&&min<41) )
setfillstyle (SOLID_FILL, WHITE);
bar (210, 310, 445, 350);
setcolor (DARKGRAY);
rectangle (210, 310, 445, 350);
setcolor (BLACK);
rectangle (211, 311, 444, 349);
setcolor (WHITE);
line (210, 350, 446, 350);
line (446, 350, 446, 310);
setcolor (LIGHTGRAY);
rectangle (212, 312, 443, 348);
void GoodBye (void)
int i,j;i = 5;
closegraph ();
textbackground (BLACK);
textcolor (RED);
clrscr ();
delay (200);
for (i = 0;i < 3;i ++)
clrscr ();
gotoxy (5, 10);cprintf ("A CLOCK PROGRAM BY DEODATTA JAGTAP: ");
delay (100);
gotoxy (5, 15);cprintf ("????? ?????? ???? ????? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ");
delay (100);
gotoxy (5, 11);cprintf ("????? ?????? ???? ????? ???? ?????? ?????? ???? ");
delay (100);
gotoxy (5, 14);cprintf ("?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?????? ?? ?? ?????? ");
delay (100);
gotoxy (5, 12);cprintf ("?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ");
delay (100);
gotoxy (5, 13);cprintf ("?? ?? ???? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ");
delay (900);
gotoxy (1, 20);cprintf ("Exiting.....");
gotoxy (1, 21);
for (i = 0;i < 80;i ++)
gotoxy (wherex(),21);
cprintf ("?");
delay (50);
delay (200);
gotoxy (5, wherey () - 1);
textcolor (WHITE);textbackground (CYAN);
cprintf ("UnIstalling Clock..... [50 %] ");
delay (3000);gotoxy(5, wherey ());
cprintf ("DeInitialising Clock..... [100 %] Completed. ");
delay (1500);gotoxy(5, wherey ());
cprintf ("UnLoading System Date/Time..... Done. ");
delay (1800);gotoxy(5, wherey ());
cprintf ("UnLoading Graphics..... In Progress ");
delay (1000);gotoxy(5, wherey ());
cprintf ("Removing Loaded Objects Graphics..... Done ");
delay (2000);gotoxy(5, wherey ());
cprintf ("UnInstanciating GUI(Graphical User Interface) ");
delay (2000);gotoxy(5, wherey ());
cprintf("Destroying & Removing Registry Values of the Software on System ");
delay (1000);
gotoxy (5, 5);
textbackground (BLACK);
textcolor (LIGHTCYAN);
clrscr ();
cprintf ("For any queries and bugs and improvements ... etc, ");
gotoxy (5, 6);
cprintf ("Mail me at <");
textcolor (WHITE);
cprintf (" [[Email Removed]] ");
textcolor (LIGHTCYAN);
cprintf (" > ");
gotoxy (5, 20);
cprintf ("Press any key to exit.....");
getch ();
getch ();
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